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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Difference Between Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia and Abroad

Electric motorbikes circulating in Indonesia apparently have very big differences in character from those abroad. This makes electric motorbike manufacturers or distributors in Indonesia need to adjust the products offered in Indonesia.

Purbaja Pantja, President Director of PT Ilectra Motor Group, producer of ALVA electric motorbikes, said that electric motorbikes abroad have low speed and low range characteristics or speeds that are not too high and the distance traveled is not too far.

“Abroad, electric motorbikes are more used for short-distance commuting,” said Purbaja Pantja.

This is different from electric motorbikes in Indonesia which are sometimes used for daily activities. So an electric motorbike with a large mileage and capable performance is needed.

“So we need an electric motorbike that fits the needs of the Indonesian people,” he explained.

Apart from functional issues, electric motorbikes in Indonesia also need to be adapted to the conditions in the country. Electric motorbikes in Indonesia must be able to overcome the problem of flooding which often occurs suddenly.

“That’s what makes electric motorbikes in Indonesia need to adjust their height,” explained Purbaja Pantja.

Not only flooding, another problem that needs to be considered is the slope. According to him, the contours of roads in Indonesia are very varied, sometimes there are steep inclines.

These road conditions are a challenge for electric motorbikes in Indonesia. That’s why an electric motor is needed that doesn’t encounter problems if you have to go over hills.

“Our second model, the ALVA Cervo, can overcome slopes with a slope of 17 degrees. This is an attribute that in other countries is not considered important,” he explained.

It is known that currently PT Ilectra Motor Group has sold two electric motorbikes in Indonesia, namely the ALVA One and ALVA Cervo. The two electric motorbikes were assembled at the ALVA factory in the Cikarang area, West Java.

Currently, the two ALVA electric motorbikes receive a subsidy of IDR 7 million. ALVA One is currently selling for IDR 29.49 million and ALVA Cervo at IDR 35.75 million.

Low Speed Low Range, lebih commuting di luar negeri, dengan karakter motornya lain. jadi menyambung yang disampaikan tadi

kita melihat konsumen yang ada ada hal apa yang bisa dilakukan supaya pas dengan keperluan masyarakat indonesia. di sini masalah banjir, apa yyang perlu kita lakukan, jadi motor listriknya dari segi ketinggian disesuaikan

kedua ada tanjakan.ini jadi menjadi perhatian khusus. medan indonesia seperti apa lah makanya model kedua kita cervo bisa mencapai 17 derajat kemiringan. ini di atribut yang negara lain enggak penting.

200.000 kita inggin berharap untuk mensupport jumlahnya yang mencapai ribuan unit. kita terus mensuport program pemerintah.

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