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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Only 125 Units Sold in the First Half of 2024, This is the Future of Mitsubishi Xpander’s Twin

Nissan Livina is still being sold in Indonesia despite its worrying condition. Unlike its twin, the Mitsubishi Xpander, Nissan Livina’s sales have never reached thousands of units.

According to data from the Indonesian Automotive Manufacturers Association (Gaikindo), Nissan Livina’s wholesales or distribution from factory to dealer recorded around 20-30 units. As of May 2024, Nissan Livina sales totaled 125 units.

Not only lacking in sales, but Nissan Livina is also poor in updates. In contrast, its twin, the Mitsubishi Xpander, has undergone a facelift two years ago.

Technically, the Mitsubishi Xpander has improved with the addition of a CVT transmission lever. Meanwhile, Nissan Livina still retains the same look it had when first released in 2019.

These shortcomings lead many to speculate that Nissan Livina might be discontinued. However, PT Nissan Motor Distributor Indonesia (NMDI) continues to sell this seven-seater MPV.

Caca Tobing, National Sales Division Head of PT NMDI, stated that they currently have no plans to launch updates for the Nissan Livina.

“As for a facelift or a total change, that’s an R&D issue. It’s not proportional to the volume. Unless we produce globally, that’s a different story. So far, I haven’t heard about any updates. But to maintain our market, we’re still sticking with this model,” said Caca in Jakarta yesterday.

Despite this, Caca emphasized that they are still selling the Nissan Livina, even though its sales numbers are far below those of its twin, the Mitsubishi Xpander.

“We are consistent, for the Indonesian market we remain committed to production. But if we talk about volume, our main goal is not volume, but how to build trust with our potential customers and provide satisfaction to our customers,” said Caca.

“The fact is, Livina still has buyers. First, because our brand is strong, our brand image is strong. Despite rumors of factory closures and such, the fact is those who buy are satisfied. Why? Because we start with quality. We don’t have fake (spare parts). With that quality condition, its lifespan is longer. That’s why our customers are happy,” explained Caca.

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