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Friday, June 28, 2024

Not Gold, This Lamborghini is Covered with Thousands of LED Lights

Luxury cars coated in gold are common. Luxury cars covered with thousands of LED lights are very unusual.

This is the approach taken by an American content creator, Alex Choi, when dressing up his beloved sports car, the Lamborghini Huracan. Instead of covering the Italian-made car in gold, he confidently wrapped the entire body of the car with thousands of LED lights.

“I call this car the walking Las Vegas Sphere,” said Alex Choi as quoted by Supercar Blondie on Monday (10/6/2024).

It is known that the Las Vegas Sphere is a very unique meeting building in Las Vegas. The building is equipped with a 16k LED screen that surrounds all the spectators inside.

Inspired by the building, Alex Choi tried to do the same with his Lamborghini Huracan. Not only did he install the lights, but Alex Choi also made the LEDs on the entire body of the car light up in different colors.

Thousands of LEDs are attached to most of the body and wings of the Lambo, except for some areas at the rear of the vehicle. It also has various cables inside to power all the lights and at least two additional batteries.

Unfortunately, Alex Choi did not explain in detail how all the LEDs are synchronized. It is very complex as it requires a laptop and other electronic devices to power and manage everything.

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