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Friday, September 20, 2024

Crowded, This Local EV Motorcycle Manufacturer Ready to Compete

The electric motorbike (EV Motorcycle) market in Indonesia continues to attract new players. Dozens of electric motorbike manufacturers compete to offer various advantages and attractive prices for the Indonesian people.

The problem is that the electric motorbike market has not developed as rapidly as the conventional motorbike market. It’s no surprise that competition is really tight.

However, this does not make Electrum waver from trying to compete in the Indonesian electric motorbike market. They are even very confident in launching their first electric motorbike, the Electrum H5.

“Electrum is a company that focuses on developing the electric vehicle ecosystem, and today we reached our first product milestone by launching the H5, an electric motorbike designed specifically for Indonesian roads,” said Electrum CEO Jack Yang in Jakarta, Thursday (9/11/2023) Yesterday.

Along with the launch of the newest electric motorbike, Electrum also introduced supporting technology such as batteries, Battery Swap Station (BSS), and digital infrastructure that makes things easier for consumers.

“We believe the launch of the motorbike and expansion of BSS strengthens our commitment to building a comprehensive electric motorbike ecosystem. “Because we not only offer cheap prices, but also efficiency,” said Jack.

EV Motorcycle

However, in the initial stages the Electrum H5 has not been marketed to the public, but is collaborating with the GoRide Electric service from Gojek. This is an expansion of the electric motorbike pilot project from the GoTo Group.

In this initial stage, 500 units of H5 electric motorbikes are provided for the GoRide Electric service which will be available in stages until the end of 2023. All units are not sold, but are rented, both motorbikes and batteries.

To make things easier for users of the Electrum H5 electric motorbike, manufacturers also continue to prepare the BSS infrastructure. Electrum Managing Director Patrick Adhiatmadja said that by the end of this year 150 BSS units will be prepared.

“To expand the reach of motorists, we are targeting the presence of 150 BSS by the end of this year. “For this reason, we are grateful for the support from various strategic partners, one of which is Pertamina,” said Patrick.

Electrum itself is still reluctant to mention the price or rental costs incurred by online motorcycle taxi drivers. However, for batteries, Patrick explained that the rental fee for one battery is IDR 48.000 and two batteries IDR 52.000.

It is known that currently the population of electric motorbikes in Indonesia, based on data integration between the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and various other ministries and institutions, has reached 62.815 motorbikes. This figure is very small compared to the annual conventional motorbike market which reaches more than 4 million.

EV Motorcycle



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