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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Be Cautious, Lovers of Roaring Car Exhausts Tend to be Psychopathic

People who enjoy cars with booming exhausts should be cautious. According to research, those who like modified loud car exhausts tend to have psychopathic tendencies.

Reported by NY Post on Tuesday (7/5/2024), research conducted by Julie Aitken Schermer from Western University, London, UK concluded the presence of emotional disturbances experienced by several men who simultaneously have a strong liking for modified car exhausts.

In the study, Julie surveyed 529 men. All participants engaged in question-and-answer sessions regarding the automotive world, such as car modifications, exhaust sounds, and engine specifications. The research attempted to explore the desires of the participants and the sensations experienced from modifying cars.

Afterward, all participants also underwent psychological testing. The results revealed a very strong relationship between mental disorders leaning towards psychopathy and loud-sounding cars.

“We found a relationship between sadism and psychopathy for those who feel more connected to their vehicles. Especially those who consider loud cars to be very cool,” she said.

This relationship was then linked to the antisocial attitudes of people who like roaring car exhausts. This includes those who are willing to modify car exhausts just to achieve that goal.

“It seems to be an indifferent attitude towards the feelings and reactions of others. That’s psychopathic because they might also enjoy seeing people surprised,” she explained.

However, according to Julie, not all enthusiasts of loud car exhausts can be classified as psychopaths. There are several potential psychological factors that can lead someone to be classified as a psychopath.

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