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Monday, September 23, 2024

Hackers Find Secret and Dangerous Mode in Tesla Cars

A hacker recently announced a surprising fact about Tesla cars. Through his Twitter account, @greentheonly, he said that there is a secret mode in Tesla cars that allows car owners to more freely use Tesla’s flagship autonomous technology, namely Autopilot and Full Self Driving.

The mode that he calls the Elon Musk Mode, according to him, is indeed very dangerous. The reason is if it is activated, the car driver will not get a warning if he does not put his hands on the steering wheel.

Every car with autonomous technology does have a special system, especially a warning if the driver is not paying attention to road conditions. Starting from the hands that are not placed on the steering wheel to the eyes that are not fixed on the road conditions.

Usually in Tesla cars the warning is in the form of an image of a steering wheel bar on the touch screen that needs to be pressed. But if ignored, the car will make a noise.

Well, Elon Musk’s Mode actually removed the warning. So the warnings don’t come out at all.

“If this is really ignored, then the Autopilot feature will not be able to be used again for the next few weeks,” said CNBC.

The presence of this secret mode is indeed a warning for Tesla. The reason is that lately a lot of criticism has been sent to Tesla regarding accidents that have occurred due to the use of Tesla’s autonomous technology.

CNBC says there are currently 21 incidents involving Tesla’s autonomous technology. Of all the incidents, one person died.

Until now, Tesla has not commented on the secret mode, which is called the Elon Musk Mode.

Akbar Rausyan
Akbar Rausyanhttps://indoautonews.com/
My name is Akbar. I'm a social boy and 3 passions: Automotive, People, Travel and Social Media. I try to make this blog practical, full of great advice and inspiring ideas.

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